Friday, March 21, 2008

We're Not Lazy!

I would like to debunk a common misconception that people have of Appalachian folk. Often times, we are labeled as being lazy and overweight. This is not entirely is our pets that are lazy and overweight. This is Cocoa, my 20lb cat waking up from a 4 hour nap. For scale, I placed a 2 LITER of Coke beside her (think about it). She doesn't like Coke by the way--that is for me.


goat said...

she looks like a blood-filled tick . . . or a fur sausage . . . she could be a vanderkitten, she looks like she could kick some ass.

K-country said...

Oh I'v heard all about Crazy Cocoa. Didn't realize she was so rubenesque.

Avery Wilson said...

Holy crap! That's a big cat!!!